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March 2021


How To Deal With The Grief Of a Miscarriage

March 30, 2021

Although 10% of all known pregnancies end in miscarriage, talking about it still feels so taboo. 

Statistics won’t make a woman dealing with a miscarriage feel comfortable, but what may help her is realizing that she is not alone. 

So how can you heal physically and emotionally from a miscarriage? 

In fact, you should know that not every woman deals with miscarriage in the same way.

There is indeed no right or wrong way to grieve and heal from a miscarriage.

However, the best ways to recover are: taking time off, expressing your feelings out loud or on paper, seeking help without feeling ashamed, and finding distractions.

The rest of this article explains what is a miscarriage and expands on the above strategies to help you deal with the grief of a miscarriage. 

What Is a Miscarriage? 

A miscarriage is the loss of a baby before the 20th week of pregnancy. 

A miscarriage can often occur before a woman is even aware that she’s become pregnant (also known as chemical pregnancies). 

The main sign of a miscarriage is vaginal bleeding, which may be accompanied by severe cramps in the lower abdomen and back pain. 

However, keep in mind that light vaginal bleeding is relatively common during the first trimester (from week 1 to the end of week 12) and does not necessarily mean that you are having a miscarriage.

The bleeding of a miscarriage is similar to a menstrual period but may have clots that look like tiny tissues in the vaginal discharge.

Severe symptoms like fever, dizziness, and contractions should be treated as a medical emergency. 

What Are The Causes of a Miscarriage? 

First Trimester

The first trimester is the most critical time in your pregnancy. 

The majority of miscarriages that occur during the first trimester are caused by abnormal chromosomes in the baby.

These genetic abnormalities (having too many or not enough chromosomes) prevent the fetus from properly developing.

Usually, these issues are not related to the parents – they’re just the result of a pregnancy that couldn’t be brought to term. 

Another cause leading to a miscarriage is a deficiency in progesterone – the hormone involved in regulating the woman’s cycle and maintaining the early stages of pregnancy.

Without sufficient production of progesterone, the uterus won’t be able to sustain the embryo. 

Second Trimester

At this stage, a miscarriage is likely to occur because of malformations in the uterus, the placenta or the cervix.

Problems range from placental abruption, placental previa, or cervical insufficiency – meaning the mother has a weakness of the cervix, which can’t hold the pregnancy.   

Other factors that can increase the risk of miscarriage include maternal health conditions such as diabetes, thyroid disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and some blood clotting disorders.

Certain bacterial infections like bacterial vaginosis, or cytomegalovirus can also inflame the lining of the uterus and cause a miscarriage.

Smoking and drinking alcohol also contribute to the development of a miscarriage.   

After the 20th week of pregnancy, the loss of a baby is referred to as a stillbirth rather than a miscarriage. 

4 Ways To Help You Process The Pain of Miscarriage

Below are 6 tips to help you deal with the grief of miscarriage:

1: Take a Step Back If You Need To

A miscarriage can come with a roller coaster of emotions ranging from feelings of guilt, shock and anger. 

You may feel angry at the world over other pregnancies that make it to term. 

Therefore, give yourself some time alone to grieve. 

If certain gatherings or celebrations, such as baby showers, are too painful for you, allow yourself not to attend.

It is very natural to feel tired, lose your appetite, or to have trouble sleeping after a miscarriage. 

Give yourself permission to take some compassionate leave to recover emotionally as well as physically.  

2: Express Your Feelings

Some people find it comforting talking about their feelings, while others find the topic difficult to discuss. 

Be honest with your friends and loved one. 

Communicating your feelings in a constructive and honest way can help you and the people who want to support you. 

Some of your friends may not know what to say to you, so talking to them honestly without trying to run away from your real emotions – which can be exhausting – can make the situation more understanding. 

If you find it difficult to talk about your feelings, it might help to write them down. 

You may not be able to put what you feel into words, but this can give you a chance to process your own emotions until you become ready to start planning for your next pregnancy. 

Remember that the father of the baby may also be affected by the loss. 

However, some men may find it harder to express their feelings. 

Therefore, make sure you openly discuss how both of you are feeling to get through miscarriage together.

Be kind to each other, listen, and respect each other’s way of coping. 

3: Seek Help

Miscarriage can be a draining experience. 

Don’t feel ashamed to ask your friends and loved ones for emotional and practical support. 

Pregnancy loss can create a sense of loneliness, but remember that you don’t have to go through this alone – surround yourself with people you feel most comfortable with. 

While your friends and family will always be there for you, connecting with others who have gone through the exact same loss can even be more helpful.

There are many in-person and online support groups available where you can chat anonymously to other women who really understand what you are going through. 

Joining a support group can have a lasting positive impact on your life in the long run. 

The same way you have reached out to someone for support, another parent who can relate to your struggle may also reach out to you someday.  

If you are religiously inclined, it may also help to speak to a spiritual leader or attend group worship events. 

Miscarriage can also cause feelings of anxiety, depression, and relationship problems. 

Talking with a therapist with expertise in reproductive medicine in this case may help you recover more quickly and effectively. 

4: Find Your Own Distractions

Try to come up with your own list of distraction activities to drive your attention away from unwanted emotions. 

Sometimes, focusing a lot on one aspect of life can make your feelings more out of control. 

Therefore, by temporarily distracting yourself, you may give your feelings some time to decrease in intensity, making them easier to manage. 

Meditating and reading are things you can try to slowly come to term with your grief.

Try to refocus your energy on other life aspects such as family, work, and hobbies. 

Do Not Lose Hope

Initially, miscarriage may come as a huge shock to some couples and it is completely normal to need some time to make sense of what has happened and why. 

Remember that you are not alone and that you will recover in time. 

Fortunately, most women can have normal pregnancies and births after a miscarriage. 

Don’t feel ashamed to talk about miscarriage and to seek help.

It is very important to normalize this subject in order to spread awareness and help other couples who have been through pregnancy loss. 


Goldman, Rena. “A Breakdown of Miscarriage Rates by Week.” Healthline, 2018,

De Bellefonds, Colleen. “What Is a Chemical Pregnancy?” What to expect, 2020,

Brazier, Yvette. “Everything you need to know about cytomegalovirus.” Medical news today, 2018,


How To Ensure You Have The Right Gynecologist?

March 23, 2021

Even if there are no concerns, a girl should see a gynecologist at some point in her life in order to make sure that her reproductive organs remain healthy.

Young girls feel more open talking about their intimate and personal health issues to their physician rather than with their parents. 

Therefore it is important to find someone with experience and trust.

So what to look for in a gynecologist? 

To choose the right gynecologist, get referrals, research the gynecologist’s credentials, determine what hospitals they’re affiliated with, and evaluate their values and communication style.   

The rest of this article reveals 4 important factors to help you choose the right gynecologist.

4 Ways To Find the Right Gynecologist 

Here are 4 recommendations to ensure you find the right gynecologist:

1: Get Referrals

The first step towards finding a good gynecologist is to ask people you trust – friends or family members – for recommendations.

You can also ask your general physician for a referral list. 

Some specialists will only see you if you are referred to them by your GP

In fact, word of mouth and referrals are often good resources for finding a good gynecologist. 

To narrow your referral list, you should look into the background of each doctor before making an appointment.   

2: Research The Gynecologist’s Credentials

If you are getting treated for a certain health condition, look for a gynecologist with a specialty in treating that particular condition of yours.  

It is best to look for someone who is up to date on the latest medical treatments and procedures, and who has a high level of experience in the field.  

The more experience the gynecologist has, the better treatment and care you will most likely receive. 

Therefore, research the gynecologist’s credentials.

Find out where they have studied and completed their residency, and how many years they have practiced.  

 3: Determine Hospital Quality

Whether you visit the hospital for a regular checkup, or to undergo some treatments or a procedure, hospital quality should be your top priority in terms of care, cleanliness, and survival rate.  

Patients at top-rated hospitals have better survival rates because the doctors working there are more competent. 

So to choose a good gynecologist, make sure that the hospital they’re affiliated with has high quality standards and is located conveniently for you. 

4: Evaluate The Gynecologist’s Values

When meeting a gynecologist for the first time, ask them a question and check how they answer it. 

You need someone who makes you feel comfortable talking openly about your reproductive health and concerns.  

Therefore, choose a well-informed and friendly gynecologist who’s capable of answering all your questions, knows how to manage your anxieties, and provides you with the highest level of care and attention.   

Besides, your gynecologist should recommend the appropriate treatment for your condition and respect your decision-making process.  

Try to find out their opinions and views regarding particular topics such as birth control, abortion, and pregnancy in order to check whether you both share similar values or have opposite standpoints.  

Establish a Good Relationship With Your Gynecologist

A gynecologist is someone who can accompany you throughout different stages in your life from puberty until menopause. 

Therefore, you should find someone experienced with whom you are comfortable discussing your most intimate and personal reproductive health issues. 

Getting recommendations, doing a little background research, and communicating with your gynecologist will help you choose the right one to manage a big portion of your healthcare. 

Sources and References:

  1. WebMD. “What Is a General Practitioner?” WebMD, 2020, 
  2. HealthStandards. “Why Standards Matter.” Health Standards, 2020,
  3. Harvard Medical School. “Abortion (Termination Of Pregnancy).” Harvard Health Publishing, 2019, 

How to Deal with Disappointment After a Negative Pregnancy Test?

March 15, 2021

If you found yourself on this page, then you’ve probably peed on a stick and read a negative result.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

Sadness, anger, and guilt are all totally acceptable.

As a reproductive scientist, I’ve had to deal with multiple women going through disappointment after finding out that they weren’t pregnant – especially after fertility treatment. 

You may think you’d get through it, and some people really do, but many get stuck in a loop of emotions and feelings of failure.

So how to overcome those feelings of disappointment when the pregnancy test comes out negative?

You can get past those feelings by using positive self-talk, journaling your thoughts, confiding in someone you feel comfortable with, and doing fun things to keep moving forward. 

The rest of this article gives you 4 ways to stay positive and not let one test get to you. 

4 Ways To Deal With Disappointment

Here are 4 ways to deal with disappointment:  

1: Use Positive Self-Talk

When the test is negative, you may also become plagued by negative thoughts, which can contribute to unpleasant emotions. 

A very effective technique to soothe anxious minds is to replace negative thoughts by positive affirmations. 

Some negative thoughts you may tell yourself include “I am a failure”, “I will never get pregnant”, “my life is meaningless”.  To rid yourself of these thoughts, you should use rationality and positive self-talk.  

In fact, getting a negative pregnancy test may bring back school memories such as failing an exam.

Don’t let this result define your worth as a person.  

Instead, say positive things to yourself such as “It’s a matter of time”, “My turn will eventually come”. 

Even if you discover that you can’t get pregnant, keep an open mind. There are always other options to become a parent.

Remember, you can seek fertility treatments, or even resort to egg/sperm donors, adoption, or surrogacy.  

2: Journal Your Thoughts

Writing down your worries and negative thoughts is a helpful way to “de-load”. 

So try not to hold in your pain because this will make you feel worse. 

Journaling your thoughts, symptoms, and mood changes throughout your cycle is a great way to track your body changes and emotions.

This method allows you to express what you are going through in more depth than when you use a mobile application

Furthermore, keeping a record of everything in a journal will help you get past the feelings of disappointment, and will push you to look forward to your next cycle. 

Also, try to write down a comforting reply to every negative story that crosses your mind. You may be surprised how you can calm your body and mind on your own through rational thinking.  

3: Talk To Someone You Feel Most Comfortable With

Talk about your feelings with someone you feel most comfortable with. 

That person could be a friend, your mother, your partner, or a therapist. 

You can even join a forum community dedicated to moms-to-be where you can discuss and share your experience with people struggling with the same obstacles as you. 

When you talk to your partner, remember that he might react and process differently to the news.

Therefore, don’t feel offended or hurt if your partner takes the news in a less devastated way than you did.  

4: Do Something Fun To Take Your Mind Off

Allow yourself some time to grieve, but remember that your life is worth much more than getting pregnant.

Therefore, simply embrace and appreciate what you have.  

Do not put your life on hold.

Instead, go back to the things and activities that make you happy.

You can also join a dancing class, practice meditation and mindfulness, read an exciting book, go for a swim, watch a comedy, or even travel.  

Make future plans that don’t necessarily involve children because thinking about the future helps you remember that this is not the end of the road. 

A Ray Of Hope:

Don’t let one test get to you if you still think that you may be pregnant and you haven’t started your period yet. 

Below are 3 factors that could affect your pregnancy results: 

1: You Haven’t Had Your Period Yet

There is still a chance that you could be pregnant if you still haven’t had your period. 

However, keep in mind that missed or late periods happen for many reasons other than pregnancy. 

Common causes include hormonal imbalances, stress, loss or gain of body fat, breastfeeding, and menopause. 

2: You Tested Early

If you took a test before the day your period is supposed to start, then some pregnancy tests won’t be able to detect the HCG levels (the pregnancy hormone) in your urine, which may result in a false negative result. 

Even the day of your expected period may be too early for many home pregnancy tests. 

Therefore, you are more likely to get an accurate result if you wait until you are a few days late on your period. 

3: You Have Irregular Cycles

When you have irregular cycles, it becomes harder to know for sure the day of your period. 

So if you get a negative pregnancy test, don’t give up hope as it could be that the odds can be that you just took the test too early. 

Consult Your Gynecologist

Getting a negative pregnancy test can be heartbreaking.

However, remember that this doesn’t mean that you will never fulfill your dream of becoming a mother. 

Take an appointment with your doctor to get better insights about your reproductive health.

Your doctor will give you advice and other options to speed up the process. 

Read our article How To Ensure You Have The Right Gynecologist if you still don’t have one you can trust.

As you go through the baby-making journey, be kind to yourself and remain optimistic no matter how many times you’ve tried to conceive. 

Sources and References:

1. Todd, Nivin. “Understanding Infertility — Treatment.” WebMD, 02 April 2019,

2. Craft, Carrie. “5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Adopting a Child.” verywell family, 03 December 2020,

3. Brinsden, Peter. “Gestational surrogacy.” Human Reproduction Update, vol. 9, no. 5, 2003, pp. 483–491. Oxford Academic,

4. Stanford, Joseph. Fecundability in relation to use of mobile computing apps to track the menstrual cycle. vol. 35, 2020. Oxford Academic,

5. Walker, Jennifer. “All you need to know about hCG levels in early pregnancy.” Clearblue, 23 April 2020,

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